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Science in preschool has to do with facilitating curiosity and the search for resources that are already within reach of your hands. Explore your environment and see how you can bring science and give it "life" in your environment. Don't be afraid to use scientific language, And always remember to ask questions.

Technology includes more than just computers and mobile devices.
We use the materials we found in the classroom to analyze how the technology work. Children use technology to solve problems.
Engineering is to reinvent what is already present in a way that solves the real problems. We allow children to build, innovate, change or shape objects or materials, in the classroom
Art is all about the creative expression of science and math. Science and Mathematics can be fun, creative and exciting - both fields constantly influence art and vice versa.

Mathematics is the universal language of STEAM, and also a critical aspect of a high early education program quality. For "mathematization" situations from real life, can help children to improve your language, arithmetic, and your critical thinking skills.